Sweden is a country in transformation. Not long ago inhabited by farmers and timber workers, it became one of the most urbanised countries in Europe, with a constant upward trend. Currently, nearly 86% of Swedes live in urban areas, and Västerbotten, where I have been living for the last two years, is a lens to see the consequence of these processes.
The official politics of Umeå identify its own growth as the main driving force for the future. But only a few say that the price to pay is the decline of the rural areas. Some of the problems are recognised and discussed, thanks to initiatives like INLAND, which is an ongoing project organised by the four northernmost Swedish counties.
With ICA COMMONS I would like to draw attention to the local stores, as one of few examples of rural architecture performing public functions, necessary for living in the countryside. In fact, the stores are interesting hybrids with a gas station, delivery service, systembolaget, fast-food bar or at least a post office. But as the relations between cities and their peripheries is changing, with large store chains appearing on the outskirts, is this offer enough to thrive?
Last year my friends and I enjoyed a few cycling trips around Umeå. Once, on our way back from the seaside, we stopped at ICA Täfteå to warm up with a cup of coffee. But there was no place for a coffee, neither there, nor in the whole area! The staff was very kind, and hosted us in the back of the store. But, if I ever lived there, where could I meet with other people? I believe, that a possibility of encounter over a cup of coffee is vital not only for travellers like me, but in first place for the local inhabitants.
I want to investigate the urban peripheries of Västerbotten, which are defined as places accessible within a 45-minute-drive from cities and larger towns, with more than 3000 inhabitants. There, a general store is a natural meeting place, with a pontential to perform other functions. What if a change starts not from speculation, but the actual needs? What are the concerns of the local people?
What are the professions and skills of people living in the countryside?
Do the inhabitants know each other and where do they meet?
What is the business situation of the local stores in urban periphery?
Are the offer and features of the commons matching the needs?
Is it possible to live in a countryside without owning a car?
How is the urban growth politics influencing the periphery?
How can the countryside become a thriving alternative to cities?
How can architecture engage into networking and cooperation?
After contacting the selected stores, I will try to visit each of them myself, in order to meet the people, take photographs and document their existing functions and architecture. The main goal of the project is to develop, what we call an 'architectural intervention', which is most likely to be a temporary or permanent structure enabling some new functions and activities, within or around an existing store.
If being a part of it sounds interesting to you, please write to me using the contact form.
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ICA COMMONS is a Master Thesis project performed during the final study semester at Laboratory of Immediate Architectural Intervention (LiAi)
Piotr Paczkowski is an enthusiast of outdoor lifestyle and exploratory research. He comes from Poland, lives in Umeå in the last two years, and studies architecture.
The LiAi aims at expanding the architect's range of activities, and empowering its community through its members' ability to actually make a difference.
Umeå School of Architecture is the fourth and youngest architecture schools in Sweden, established as part of Umeå University.